Player Stats
There are 8 principal stats in GO-Alpha
Stats are increased by burning the required amount of $PART tokens. This is done by clicking the up arrow graphic beside the stat, then confirming your choice by signing a Hive Engine transaction.
You can only initiate this transaction if you have enough $PART in your Hive-Engine wallet. $PART in your 'Claimable Stash' area do not count towards your balance (gotta claim 'em first!)
Each principal stat is explored in more detail in the subsections of this page. In brief, the stats are:
Level. Your Golemancer Level underpins many aspects of the game. Raise it by gaining XP.
Reputation. A mechanism that allows you to burn $PART to (slowly) gain XP.
Algorithm. A multiplier stat that chiefly impacts your income but has many other uses.
Golem Charging Station. A baseline stat that chiefly impacts your income, but has many other uses.
Power. Your strength. It boosts your skill in PvP and other areas.
Fortification. Your defense. It boosts your skill in PvP and other areas.
Faith. A general stat with a broad impact on many aspects of the game.
Banked. Equal to the number of $PART you stake on chain, this stat chiefly impacts your carrying capacity.
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